Napier Harinam Sankirtan
On Saturday afternoon Krishna Kirtan Prabhu, Tom Prabhu, and Yogamaya Dasi met at the Clive Square park for kirtan. It was a nice sunny day and the town and park were full of people, lots of hustle and bustle going on. The gardens in the centre of the city were full of lovely flowers popping up for the summer sun, the sun was beating down strongly.
The devotees started off with a nice kirtan in the park, a few people were attracted and came over to look and hear the divine sound, a couple of children bought over some flowers for Krishna as offerings. It was very encouraging to see all the enquisitve persons looking out of curiosity and to see their smiling faces.
After the kirtan in the park we went for a small Harinam through the Napier city township, the streets were packed full of people, the Harinam was great. We all felt so happy to be out doing this service for our divine Masters.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
The feast was honoured afterwards in the park to everyones delight.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga for making this all possible!