Spiritual Enquiry
Radhastami, Srimati Radharani's Appearance Day -- London, August 29, 1971:Siddhi means perfection. So this life is meant for perfection. What is perfection? Perfection means that we do not want miserable condition of life, and we have to get out of it. That is perfection.

The Duty Of Human Life
Lecture BG 07.01-5 - Hong Kong-
The duty of human life is to understand God, Kṛṣṇa. In the Vedānta-sūtra , the first aphorism is athāto brahma jijñāsā . Athaḥ , "therefore." Because we have got this human form of body, so this is the time for inquiring about the Absolute Truth. In the other life, animal life, beast life, tree life, plant life... There are 8,400,000 different forms of life, and through evolutionary process we have passed through 8,000,000 forms of life or a few thousand more forms of life, because human beings, they are of 400,000 forms of life.

Śraddhā, real śraddhā means complete faith.
Lecture on SB 1.15.30 -- Los Angeles, December 8, 1973:
Everyone can attain that bhāva stage. There is process. This process is described by Rūpa Gosvāmī how to come to the bhāva stage. Bhāva stage means just prior to perfection. One must come to the bhāva stage, next stage is perfection. Next stage is full perfection.

Real Religion
Lecture BG 04.07 - Montreal
In last night we have discussed that how the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He descends, what is the reason of His descending on this material platform. That we have partially discussed last night, that although He is the supreme authority of all energies, although He is unborn, although He is the Lord of all planets or all creation, material creation and spiritual creation, He comes.

Devata And Asura
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupÄda
There are two classes of men: vidvān, learned, and the fools. Not learned, may not be fool. Human being, they are, of course, very intelligent than the animals. But amongst themselves there are more intelligent, less intelligent. On the whole, they are more intelligent than the animals.

Material Necessity
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupÄda
We require material necessities as much as it is required, no artificial life. That is spiritual life. Simply increasing artificial life, even for shaving, a big machine is required. What is this? Simply wasting time. Devil's workshop. Make life very simple. And simple living, high thinking, and always conscious to go back to home, back to Kṛṣṇa.